Dear future members,
It is with great pleasure that I am writing to you for the first time as the Chair of the transitional board for the Ordre professionnel des thérapeutes du sport du Québec. For over a decade, many of us have been working tirelessly to bring this colossal project to fruition… or rather to see the eve of a new beginning.
As part of the process of creating a new Order, the Office des professions du Québec (OPQ) requested that the CTSQ appoint a transitional board that would work independently of the CTSQ once the Order has been launched. Without further ado, here are the individuals who will be helping me plan the new Order: Fayez Abdulrahman, Sonia Adhami, Michelle Beckles, Catherine Blanchette, Amy Fortin-Barette, Michel Goyette, Nicolas Michaud, Victoria Robinson-Mozejko and Nour Saade. We will do everything in our power to make the transition as smooth as possible.
A new president and vice-president have been appointed by the OPQ this year. Their predecessors will update the new ones on our situation and their recommendation to go forward with the creation of an independent order. This change of staff shall not delay the next steps for us.
As of January 2018, you will be able to communicate directly with our board via the following email: The Secretary of the board, Michel Goyette, will be in charge of answering your questions in a timely manner. On our end, we will contact you as often as possible to keep you in the loop.
We are beginning 2018 on a strong note, and I can sense that this year will be good a good one for our profession.
Heather McCoy, CAT (C)
Chair of the transitional board